Hey there, been a while! But, alas, the Magravate Militia now have vehicles to help them patrol the great veldt expanses and to battle Zonii war parties, rampaging critters foraging from the sulfur canyons, and fend of Space Marauder raids! On the left we have the Rimmer light grav tank ($12 each), the Bounder APC in the center ($9 each), and the Grav Hauler (also $9 each) on the left. They can be fond on the Colony 15 page. The Bounder grav APC is an antique. Nothing more than old colonial long-distance survey craft, refurbished and armored, they are barely adequate for their intended roll as the primary patrol and response vehicle of the Militia precincts, and many are centuries old. Half are armed with a long barrel Anti-Creature canon which fires projectiles designed to penetrate into the local fauna's thick hides and explode deep within their bodies for maximum lethal effect. Unarmed APC can carry 6-10 troops, though 4 troops and a driver makes up the normal long range patrol. The Militia also make use of a home-grown light grav tank, essentially a Bounder APC with a light turret planted over the troop compartment. The Rimmer light grav tank can hold it's own against most of the Militia's common foes, but the occasion big critter or especially strong Marauder craft can pose a significant problem. Most Rimmers have a manned turret mounted, bringing a pair of light plasma canon to the party, but 1-in-4 carry a remote turret that sports a very high-energy beam canon. These remote-turret Rimmers make for capable anti-air defense tanks, as well as helping to ease the man-power shortage that the Militia continually operates under. And last but not least is the grav Hauler. Nothing more than a lightly armored farm flatbed, these workhorses haul supplies and troops to the far-flung Militia precincts, sometimes aid local farmers in bringing their produce and livestock to the cities and market towns, and even act as improvised patrol vehicles when here are not enough Bounders and Rimmers to go around. Some Haulers have even been converted to jerry rigged support vehicles by bolting down anti-air missiles and canon or artillery rockets to their long beds. A rue workhorse that the Magravate Militia of Colony 15 could not survive without!
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