The prints for the three 15mm Drive-armors are at the casters, as well as the first 15mm Spec-Sec 5-man team and the first Spec-Sec character model. The Battle-armors should be here any day now, and they will get to the caster soonest. Projected release time is two weeks or so. Speaking of the first 5-man Spec-Sec team... who like bad photos of good products? Me too! ![]() This first release of Spec-Sec troops are decked out in mid-intensity response gear, which amounts to non-augmented hard body armor pieces, sensor and communication integrated helmets, and mid-caliber assault weapons fed by top mounted hex-mags. The dude with the ears is in charge. This load-out is donned for situations needing direct action but firepower levels that do not produce (much) collateral damage such as hostage rescue, urban assaults on terrorist cells, Black Friday sales, decommissioning of rampaging domestic androids, and on-site crisis reaction teams for diplomatic meetings and charity golf events. ![]() Spec-Sec is both an ESWAT and Special Forces type unit, that also has investigative duties. Most Spec-Sec operators are either Agents (investigators) or members of Response Teams, which are always on-call to be rushed into dangerous situations (both domestic and abroad), though some take on both duties. On the right hand side of this picture we see Ionia, one of those dual specialists. She's brash and headstrong but very good at ending situations that have gone pear-shaped with minimal collateral damage. She likes big guns and punishing the wicked. Ionia will be available separately, as a stand-alone figure. More character models will be forth coming, such as Agents or special personality figures.
Every place has it's characters, those unique individuals that give it color and the folklore told to bewildered visitors that seem both incredible and quaint at the same time, and Colony-15 is no different. Here we present the first pair, brand new greens from Bob Naismith that will soon be released: ![]() Sesil Roek is one of the few people in history that has not only ventured down into the sulfuric canyon wastes below the "livable line" where Colony-15s human inhabitants cling to their hard-scrabble homesteads and survive, but to make a living continuing to do so. Sesil spends weeks at a time collecting various native biota, exploring and mapping the bewildering lowland and canyon maze that is this planet, as well as trading with the occasional Zonii tribe. He is the closest thing to a "native scout" there is, and the Magravate Militia often employ him for various guide and tracking tasks, as well as an intermediary with the less hostile Zonii tribes that occasionally choose to make contact with the Human settlers. Despite the solitude his wanderings enforce upon him, Sesil is not a loner like most "mountain men". But though he actually enjoys the company of others, he does not suffer those he considers fools, which is also why he spends so much time alone "down slope", swathed in a Zonii made filtered breathing mask and environmentally protected clothing. ![]() Sword-Sergeant Merwe is another story all together. One of The Magrivates own Household Guard, Merwe is an aged veteran soldier sent to act as an adviser to the Militia. His experience, length of service, and loyalty are beyond question, with stories of his deeds and awards for bravery and daring traveling even to this farthest flung reach that is Colony-15. Seen as an almost mythological figure, many were shocked when the Sword-Sergeant arrived and turned out to be a rather dour and severe man rather than the gregarious hero most expected. Many wonder what he had to have done to have been send to this place, while still others wonder what are his true orders or agenda. His weapon of choice, a ponderous type of beamer aptly called an Eliminator, is often the source of jokes amongst militiamen that have not been in the field and witnessed it in action. Despite that, patrols that enter the brackish and foggy lands that separate the misty canyons from the livable uplands breath easier when the Sword-Sergeant is present, as his "little pet" is more than a match for any of the devilish and nasty critters that may be prowling about looking to pounce upon stray livestock or even the unwary farmer of Militiaman. Both of these figures will soon be released and available as individual figures. More updates on the progress of the next wave of Colony-15 figures will be forth coming. We promise!
The first three poses of our 15mm Spec-Sec Police Battle-armor have been completed! Sculpted by Paolo Fabiani of 3Evan (in Italy, no less!), these dynamic looking brutes will soon be making their way into molds and thence onto the table-top. Each pack will contain 5 weapons (3x Suppressed BA SMG, 1x Anti-cyborg/BA rifle, and 1x Anti-BA riot launcher) so you can mix and match you weapons load-out to fit the situation. Additional weapons for upgrade packs are under development as we speak (well, as we write anyways!) Each pack will also come with an assortment of the "bunny ear" A/V units (with at least 6 of the closed models per pack), with the backs of the figures able to have them glued in any position from all the way up to all the way down. On with the pictures! (and please disregard the putty holding things together, it's just there for the pictures) Pretty nifty, neh? We are really excited about them and can't wait to put them out there for you. Great stuff from Mr. Fabiani!
Before we go, we just wanted to give a shout out to the Tabletop Fix blog: These gents are doing a fantastic job keeping us abreast of the latest gaming news. Keep it up good sirs! Happy New Year to one and all! We here at Darkest Star Games truly hope that 2013 finds you all well and that this year is a much better year than the last. (It was supposed to be the last, right? Darn those ancient Mayans and their practical jokes...) (side-note: Cyberpunk 2013 was one of my mainstay RPGs when I was in High School. Now it's here it is 2013 and still no flying cars, neural jacked cyberdecks, nor rampaging cyborgs. Maybe we should be thankful for not having that last one...) So, on with the preview! This almost cute little guy is the Drive-armor that Spec-Sec forces utilize for big dust-ups. Designed to be able to switch out self contained modular weapons systems on the fly, this as-yet unnamed Drive-armor can quickly adapt to changing mission profiles, switching out that 90mm BFG for small caliber rotary canons with dum-dum rounds for urban use with a few turns of a wrench. The grey "shoulder" pods are separate pieces that can be switched out for the weapon mount type pods, and the socket can also accept the larger weapons from the Skorpios(!) There is also a mounting point below the mech's "chin". And of course those arms are, um ...armed. Pictures of the weapons will come along later, of course. And here (below) is a pic of the two smaller Drive-armors together, with the obligatory "15mm man" for scale reference. And yes indeed, these guys are larger than the Fuchikomas and Tachikomas of the Ghost In The Shell mangas. We wanted our mechs to be more beefy and survivable, more vehicular. That doesn't mean that there aren't smaller types running around though...
Darkest Star Games
Established in September of 2012, Darkest Star Games strives to bring you the best in 6mm and 15mm miniatures! Archives
March 2022