Here's the news! Both the newest batch of sci-fi cars and the newest Spec-Sec battle-armor (now to be called the Pugio strike-type) are soon to be released! Very soon. Can't wait! And what could go better with our valiant Spec-Sec defenders new high-power toys than something the "bad guys" can bring around to do a little "street rock tango"? The Think-Heads call this the Pila type battle-armor: Designed by the nefarious (and talented!) Charles Oines, these nasty brutes are stripped down military-grade purveyors of destruction. Though a Landmate style armor similar to the Parma and Pugio, the Pila's operators "master" arms remain within an armored body rather than exposed. In the mostly urban environments where Spec-Sec is forced to operate, exposed "master" arms are not seen as a liability, allowing the Parma and Pugio to be both lighter and more agile than battlefield types of combat-armors. The Pila, however, has greater survivabillity when large explosions and flying shrapnel are the tune of the day. And rather than being weighed down with the normal military over-the-shoulder heavy weapons typical of battlefield deployment, this group has been modified with jets allowing for fantastic leaps and high speed ground-effect flight. All in all, a very effective weapon in the hands of a terrorist or enemy agent...
More on the Pila later! We just sent these beasties off to be printed. There are 4 poses, and 6 different pairs of arms. I know the images above shows only 6 arms, but there will be mirrors of those made so we have 3 right arms with guns, 3 left arms with guns, 3 right arms with claws, and 3 left arms with claws. Yes, you'll be able to make dual-wield pistoleers or double clawed smash-beasts! (and who wouldn't!) More info as soon as we have the masters in hand and are ready to start casting. Stay tuned!
Hello all! I didn't realise it had been so long since we last posted...
But here's the news: As you saw in our last post some new 15mm Sci-Fi vehicles are coming, and they really are! We are looking to release them next week! Next in line will be the new Spec-Sec Battle Armors previewed not too long ago, just waiting for their heads to be 3d printed and then casting will begin! (in resin this time). For those patiently waiting for the Parma Battle Armors to come back to the shop... the new molds didn't solve the problems with the final castings to our satisfaction so it appears we will have to put them into 3d and have new masters printed up. The originals were hand sculpted and did not survive having molds made, so there is now no real alternative. The bad news is that it's going to take a while longer before they are ready, but the good news is there will be more poses that will be available! Keep an eye out for the release announcement for the new cars, it's coming soon! |
Darkest Star Games
Established in September of 2012, Darkest Star Games strives to bring you the best in 6mm and 15mm miniatures! Archives
March 2022